Great peace and no offense

Brenda Cannon HenleyBy Brenda Cannon Henley
“Great peace have them that love thy law, and nothing shall offend them.” This verse was one of Mrs. John R. Rice’s favorites, and she used it often in her Bible teaching on our many programs. I try to keep her teaching forefront in my mind because it is always scriptural, practical, and very helpful. Many people today have little to no peace and their lives are filled with turmoil. A key word found in the verse is “nothing.” Twice today, I have found two “nothings” I had to consign to forgetfulness. Neither were worth my fretting over or spending time trying to resolve. I shouldn’t have to consider if I were offended or not. I simply do not have the time or energy to let little, unpleasant things hurt my feelings or cause me to want to denigrate someone else.

A lady I do not know well made the crude and off-handed comment that I must be “looking for a man,” to someone who loves and knows me well. That person is honest and truthful, and did not appreciate the untruthful assessment. My friend answered her by saying I had many friends, both male and female. And then, an addendum, “And even if she were looking, it would be perfectly permissible. Her sweet husband has been dead over seven years now and Ted would want her to be happy.”

For the record, I had known the man she referenced since 1958, and we have shared many memories and happy times together. It seems her own relationship history has not been pleasant, and there might have been a seed or two of jealousy.

With people spouting off so eagerly about others based on sheer speculation, so much going on in our world, constant bad news, arguing and disagreements all around, lives changed, jobs lost, family members bickering, and illness on every hand, how can we live positively and make an impact on others?

We must be aware of our surroundings, the responsibilities we hold, the needs of our families, the needs of others, and our own willingness to remain focused.

God is good and he is still in control even when he is not being given recognition and respect. The Word of God is his teaching and instruction to us. We must read and study the Bible to keep our balance and our perspective. And, most often, keeping our mouths closed helps so very much.

How can we apply the teaching of Psalm 119:165 to our lives in this crazy world in which we find ourself? We all want that great peace of which it speaks and we surely should not want to live offended lives.

We must learn to come apart from others at times and simply rest our bodies, our minds, and our hearts. We cannot serve God or others if we are bone weary tired. Our strength and our ability to think is diminished and we lose our value.

One thing I have learned to do in tough times is to spend time in reflecting on what God has done for me in the past. He has brought me through some tough and trying times, and I am still here to praise him. I can remember my heart feeling so broken that I did not want to breathe, but God sent help and I survived and even thrived is some areas.

When we are living in a downward spiral and don’t see a way up or out, we need a time of renewing, revival of our spirit, and a rested body and mind.

For me personally, the water is usually my best source of renewal. No matter the sorrow and struggle I feel, sitting on the beach or picnicking by a flowing stream does the trick for me. Paddling a canoe on an open lake or even swimming in my pool helps to get me centered and refreshed.

I challenge each reader to find a favorite destination for your personal renewal. If we don’t need this skill now, we likely will need it soon.

Stubbornness can be a good thing if used correctly. (I wish my mother could read this!) Having resolve about an issue, a decision, or a goal can be the fuel that gets us there. If we overuse stubbornness or having our own way to extreme, it can be harmful.

Resolve today to trust God and claim that great peace in these turbulent times. And, let’s remember not to let little things that can offend sidetrack and derail us.

Brenda Cannon Henley can be reached at (409) 781-8788, or
[email protected]


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