Doing things for others

By Georgia Osten
It’s a good feeling. Working for a non-profit organization, belonging to the Lions Club, the Texas Crab Festival, you name it, there’s always something to give back to the community. Last Monday, as I left work, the Food Truck was parked at the pavilion, handing out perishable items to more than 50 people. What in the world am I doing just driving home? Why not volunteer, if they need me. One email to Eve Bradford, and, of course, she didn’t turn me down. “Sure, come on over next Monday, we’ll put you to work.” Then at church, I ran into one of our neighbors, whose daughter, Maddie, needed service hours for high school. Maddie joined me on the food line, I handed out orange juice and Maddie handed out cans of tomatoes. Next to us, someone was handing out strawberries and loaves of bread. On the other side of the truck, people were passing out watermelons, cans of fruit, potatoes and carrots. All the volunteers seemed to love having a young person pitching in right along, lifting those heavy cases out of the truck, ripping open the boxes and counting out the allotment. Mary would count out 14 cartons of orange juice, Susan and I would load the cartons in our shirts or in bags and walk down the line to each person’s cart. The recipients were so appreciative and thankful. I can’t wait until next Monday.

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.

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