J. Lee Austin

Cheeky Chat on Flooding and Snubbing

And Tropical Attitudes in the Risky Latitudes
By J. Lee Austin, MD
As a result of our recent atmospheric disturbance, our regularly scheduled menu … that of lambasting phony elections, castigating wretched politicians, and saving assaulted liberties … will not be served. Instead we shall talk about the weather. Generally I try

A Turtle and a Duck Walk Into a Bar

“Sorry, we don’t serve reptiles,” the bartender quacks.
By J. Lee Austin
Maybe I’m silly but at least I’m not crazy, my mother had me tested. As I write today, it is my 46th Father’s Day and while all my kids are all grown up and far away, their long distance wishes are making me so proud I wanna cry. But I won’t because I’m a big tough guy. All kidding

Invoking The Golden Rule

In Honest Defense of Community and Peace
By J. Lee Austin
The great Memorial Day weekend is in full swing as I write. Bolivar is packed to the rafters with a welcome throng of peaceful friendlies, with a notable dearth of the gun firing and handcuffs of the recent Kappa, er … Jeep gone Topless weekend. There’s no denying the

“Go Topless” Lays Another Rotten Egg

In Spite of the Best Efforts of Many Good People
By J. Lee Austin
In sharp contrast to last weekend’s joyful and charitable Texas Crab Festival, the so-called Go Topless weekend was a selfish hot mess. Friends invited us to join them for dinner at their beach front home. Its high roof provided us with a bird’s eye view of the

Feisty Festival of The Crab Comes Roaring Back

Survives Near Drowning, Returns to Hundreds of Adoring Fans
By J. Lee Austin
To say the 39th Texas Crab Festival was a success would be a good example of understatement writ large. In sharp contrast to last year’s biblically flooded event, this weekend’s merry affair was inundated with good weather

The Bolivar Beach Report, sweet April Edition

And the countdown to the Crabbiest Festival in the world
By J. Lee Austin
There oughta be a name for the lull on the peninsula in between the wild and crazy Spring Break and the summertime shebang … perhaps we could call it something like … the annual Slow-tweener. Ok maybe I’ll work on that some more. While things are certainly slower, excitement is building. Could be all about the

The Totally Sparkling Bolivar Beach Report

A Dazzling Display of Dinoflagellates …it was LIT y’all!
By J. Lee Austin
Spring breakers were treated to something special last week when a cute little dinoflagellate named Noctiluca scintillans (aka Sea Sparkle) went into full bloom and lit up the otherwise dark night beach waves in a breathtaking display of luminescent beauty. Words cannot fully

The Biggish Bolivar Beach Report

Spring Break ’24 Edition … Let the Games Begin!
By J. Lee Austin
It’s been a quiet few winter months here on the peninsula, which I guess is to be expected for a destination geared toward summer vacations at the beach. Duh. It has been nice to be able to get acquainted with more of the local folks, who are some of the friendliest and

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