4-Day School Week

The importance of making quality-time for family and putting family first were two positive outcomes that emerged after living through the COVID-19 lockdowns. We also learned how to better manage time and still produce academic excellence. Like many school districts in Texas, we at High Island ISD will incorporate these lessons into our school year. High Island ISD will begin a 4-Day School Week during the 2023-2024 school year.

Just a few of the benefits in doing so include:

  • Attracting more families and students to the District.
  • Allow families to have more quality time together as a family unit.
  • Help foster a more positive school culture.
  • Instructional and support staff will have more time to plan and develop instruction to drive successful student learning.
  • Increase student achievement and academic success.
  • Increase student and staff attendance rates.
  • Retain and attract high quality teachers and staff.
  • Reduces the use of fuel, utilities, and wear & tear on school and personal vehicles
  • Allows older students to get more hours at their jobs, thereby, helping support their family and gain real-world experience

Apply today to become a member of the #BirdGang. Go to: highislandisd.com

School starts: August 7th
School ends: May 24th

David R. Walker, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools
High Island Independent School District
2113 6th St, PO 246
High Island, TX 77623
Office #: (409) 286-5317

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  1. TomKas says:


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