Delightful! Delicious! Delovely!

ange-ed00By Linda Elissalde
Delightful, delicious and delovely definitely describe Ange and Eddie Scheibel’s wedding party on March 28, 2015. Family and guests gathered at their new home to celebrate this special occasion with quantities of eating, drinking and dancing. Ange Busceme and Eddie Scheibel were married in New Orleans, LA on January 11, 2015. They wanted their community friends to share in this wonderful event and planned a great gathering for Bolivar Peninsula folk. AND, a mighty grand gathering it was indeed!


Greg Busceme started off the event with enjoyable musical offerings. 3-Way Switch provided music for dancing and listening. The popular group, composed of lead guitarist Bruce Haire, Skip Haire on backup vocals, Shelby Collins on saxophone, Gail Wood on harmonica, Mickey Rouse on bass and Michael Feighan on drums, created a delightful sound for the festivities.


Delicious doesn’t even begin to describe the food. A never ending supply of fried fish, barbeque, beans, dips, shrimp, potatoes and numerous other foods just kept on coming. All were washed down with beverages of choice. The grand finale consisted of superb chocolate cake and vanilla cake. (Most people took some of both.)

Speaking of delovely, no one was more lovely than Ange in her gorgeous wedding dress. She and Eddie simply glowed. It was clear to all that this was a couple deeply in love. Since community friends could not attend the New Orleans ceremony, the Scheibles married again for the audience. Life-long friend Jennifer Roussel read the marriage vows. Best man Kristian Koengeter, Bridesmaid Olivia Busceme and Greg Busceme were the attendants. When Jennifer asked if the community were in favor, we all bellowed out a resounding, “Yes, we are!”


Everyone agreed that this was a perfect party on a perfect peninsula afternoon. Talented Ange made farewell gifts for all the guests. Each person received a clear glass ball to hang on a tree. Enclosed inside were 2 sharks’ teeth settled on a sand bedding. The decorative balls had Ange and Eddie 1-11-15 painted on the outside.

The New Orleans wedding must have been wonderful, but the Bolivar Peninsula Celebration was truly DELIGHTFUL! DELICIOUS! DELOVELY! Thanks for sharing this most special moment with all of us. Best wishes from your family and friends for a fantastic future.

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8 Responses to “Delightful! Delicious! Delovely!”

  1. Lynn DeBlance says:

    Again sorry we we out of town. We will look forward to seeing the place and meeting Eddie!

  2. Linda C. Elissalde says:


    Your pictures captured the very essence of this marvelous afternoon. Great job!

  3. Cakes By Geri says:

    YAY!!! I do believe they said SUPERB!!! I love it!! I’m glad everyone enjoyed the cakes! I try to make ’em good!!!

    • Gale says:

      i loved ur cake-s. It was all eaten by family and friends of Ange & Eds. Made good use of every bit. Used the chocolate deck for s’mores made by a fire that nite to help us end the nite staying warm. And I love rice crispy bars covered with chocolate. That’s for helping with the celebration and memories.

  4. Brenda Beust Smith says:

    PS. Thanks, Linda, for this write-up and pictures for those of us who couldn’t be there.

  5. Brenda Beust Smith says:

    I am so sorry we couldn’t be there. You look so lovely, Ange, and I can’t wait to see what you do when you really get to “garden”! Brenda

  6. Nancy Bachman says:

    So sweet to see for this awesome couple!!

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