
By Georgia Osten
I absolutely love my dog, she’s probably my fifth Golden Retriever and I think they’re the best dogs ever! Obviously, my story is about dogs, but I’m going to touch on a few characters we have around here. I don’t mean to offend anyone, let’s get that straight. I travel up and down this highway we call “home” probably twice a day, going to and from home to work, or to the post office, or to The Big Store. I should know every nook and cranny of this place. I reckon I’ve run across many of the locals, including the Crystal Beach canines.

I’ll start with Tigger. She’s a mighty wary, not too pretty, cunning girl. I first met her when I worked at the Chamber, it was probably after her 10th or 11th litter. I had also just met the SANBO ladies, who at that time, would rescue these poor defenseless females and make matters better for their lives. SANBO is Spayed and Neutering …, I forget the rest, but I sent them a picture of Tigger and they contacted her PERSON who couldn’t afford to “make her life better,” so SANBO did.

Tigger wasn’t approachable to the common outsider, like me, but she did take up with a fellow named Keith, until Keith finally left this earth for the Bright Side. When I first met Keith, he was able bodied, he helped us clean up the old cemetery. We offered to pay him $20 and he told us, “No, I’m no bum!” No, Keith, you were not an old bum, just an honest, hard-working soul. Keith wore an old pair of white shrimper boots. Later, he had a stroke and you’d see him pushing his walker up and down the street, Tigger at his heels.

When Keith died, Tigger was left to fend for herself. She teamed up with Anabelle and would go over to Kevin’s (TikiMan) and he’d feed her, or she’d go over to Swede’s Convenience Store and people would bring food there for her. She’s the most street savvy creature you could imagine. You’ll see her crossing 87 on the busiest of weekends, looking both ways before crossing, stopping in the turn lane before proceeding across. I hope I haven’t jinxed her, live on sweet Tigger!

Speaking of the turn lane, I was stopped at the intersection of CB Road the other day, a big white fluffy dog, looked very clean and loved, came onto the street to roll on a dead skunk. Oh, how smelly and enticing that skunk was, oh my goodness. Can you imagine when he returned home?

So, what’s with all the road kill? Is it the full moon? I remember when we lived in the city, the squirrels were definitely haywire when it was a full moon.

Other characters – I could go on, but one other comes to mind. It’s a fellow whose wife died maybe a few years ago. He’s been down and out on many occasions, very lonely. I saw him one morning headed to Bay Vue, digging in his pockets, pulled out a dollar and stopped in the parking lot, probably thinking of how he could best use that dollar. He looked so confused, so I pulled out a $10 and gave it to him. He didn’t look confused anymore, and he assured me it wouldn’t be used for cigarettes or beer!

Try to remember, these are all God’s people and God’s creatures, if you can ever lend a helping hand. … pay it forward

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you. Email: [email protected]


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One Response to “Dogs”

  1. Linda C Elissalde says:

    Dear Georgia,

    I love this beautiful and moving story. I had worried about the doggie that is always crossing the road near Tiki Man’s place. Now I know how smart he is. You are right,”We are all God’s people and God’s creatures.”

    Thank you for this loving piece.

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