Editorial – Captain Flagg

Ah, to enjoy the waves, sand and sunshine in abundance on our beaches! Right? Well, that is, until the scene is broken by a truck carrying obnoxious flags for sell. The one displayed right up front, he claims is one of his “best sellers.” Is this what our beach community stands for? How embarrassing! I have a neighbor with 4 small children who has been coming to beach since her father would bring the family down. I have been visiting this same beach since the early 60’s. Never, in all those years, did we have to explain to our children the significance of those flags. How are we supposed to explain the meaning of this most socially offensive flag? I wish I could buy them all and burn them, but I’m sure he would only turn around and buy more to sell. After all, it is one of his “best sellers!” (Georgia Osten)

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12 Responses to “Editorial – Captain Flagg”

  1. Tom Kasmiersky says:

    While I don’t think highly of the flag and those who may fly it, I don’t feel it’s my place to tell someone that what they cannot do unless they are harming me or mine. The positive in this is that it gives you an opportunity to to discuss the finger with your child should they ask what it means. Would you rather they see it some other time and find out what it means from a friend or classmate?

  2. Hazel Meaux says:

    I talked to the local deputy that works the Ramada Beach area. After several conversations between the deputy and me and the deputy and Captain Flagg. Captain Flagg gave his word to the deputy that he would not fly the flag because he did not know it was offensive and did not want to lose business. Anyway, last week end he was at Ramada Beach flying the finger flag. He parked 3 doors down from us, so I could see it. So much for his word. He is a liar. He told several other lies that my neighbor and I both confirmed were lies to the deputy. I keep taking pictures because I may need to go to court and get a restraining order. He just moved his trailer a few yards after I complained to the deputy and showed him pictures of him harassing me. I am afraid of this guy.

  3. Don says:

    I think the sickest thing is the restroom situation. I mean all the governing officials for Galveston County should be required to bring their wives and daughters to spend the day on our wonderful beaches and have them go freshen up or relieve their selves in those wonderful, smelly, port-a-potties. You know the ones with the doors barely hanging on or a smell coming from it that would make a billy goat puke! Oh well that parking sticker money and our taxes need to go more for the free lunch programs and free education at the so called community college. Yep our officials are really using our tax dollars well Galveston beach looks great.

  4. judy says:

    We have been coming to Crystal Beach since 1984 and I have seen the “flag truck” everytime we have been there! It is not new. Spme folks should focus on their kids having a good safe time on the beach and leave the politics at home! I find it hard to believe that any kid is asking “what does that flag mean Mommy”!!!!

  5. Hazel Meaux says:

    Funny you write this today. Yesterday, AT RAMADA BEACH, NOT THE ZOO, Sunday Aug 8th, I went over and ask him if he would quit selling that flag, and before I could finish my sentence, he started yelling, what about the fat pigs wearing thongs? I said he should take that up with them, as I was asking him politely to stop selling that flag because of children and families. He just yelled something about he does not sell that flag, so I went around the front of the truck, to talk to the person selling the flags and he gunned the truck and ran over my foot. Then took off.
    Does he need a permit to sell things? Does he pay sales tax? I wish the Chamber of Commerce would find a way to get him off the beach. I am sure the local stores that sell flags would appreciate the business and to my knowledge, they do not sell that flag.
    After my experience, I wonder if he has a valid driver’s license and insurance. Surely we can do something about him. Tina, I do not know you but I don’t think I care to.

  6. bellum says:

    I couldn’t agree more, Georgia. I would hardly explain them to be “hardworking”. And I know you are far from a “newbie”, so you must have been around for a while to see a thing or two come and go on this beach. Let’s just hope they can have a little tact when selling to families in the “family” area of the beach AND the Zoo. I mean, does the very first flag have to be the stupidest one of all? Move it back somewhere. And flag buyers, have a little respect for yourself…buy something with meaning and appreciation for our country, state, etc.

  7. Lamont Meaux says:

    Well put, Georgia Osten. We in Ramada Beach are equally hacked (putting it mildly) that the finger flag exists let alone the jerks that buy and fly the damned thing. Flagg, stay in the zoo with the other morons. God knows I am no prude. And so do my friends.

  8. Rustedwood says:

    Or defend it.

  9. Rustedwood says:

    The “Finger” flag is repulsive and only a moron would buy it.

  10. Daddy-O says:

    Tina, if the ‘Captain’ would keep his Flagg trailer in the ZOO I would have no problem…however, he insists on driving down to the ‘FAMILY’ area we choose to go to.

  11. Tina O'Neill says:

    This is in response to the captain Flagg…..Lady you need something better to complain about! Those are hard working people making a living. You are worried about what to tell your kids about a flag!

    How do you explain to them about the women wearing thongs on the beach showing their bodies, or the lewd sexual acts people do on the beacch when they are drunk?

    The reality is kids are going to be exsposed to a lot if you are in that area we call the “ZOO”. I suggest you take your family to the more calm and laid back part of the beach, and leave the Flagg trailer and our traditions alone. That trailer has been here for years! Aparently you are the newbie in this area!

  12. hammer time says:

    get over yourself.

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