Full Speed Ahead

By Georgia Osten
Here we go, the Crab Fest is on again. We knew it would be, but it took a lot of soul searching to finally hit the play button. It feels like we’ve lost the momentum, after all, we were only weeks away when this pandemic occurred. The positivity has been overwhelming, thank goodness. I think everyone is ready to get out and have some fun. Not many, but some of our vendors wanted refunds. Many of those want to come back, so they’ve been sent new applications. We’ve even picked up some new vendors. Of course, we’ll have to take special measures to ensure everyone’s safety. Volunteers are eager to pitch in to make this event a success.

In the midst of getting the wheels turning again, our family outings have picked up again. We had several birthdays since March, a few were during the worst part of Social Distancing. So, we kept away from each other. Our Grands didn’t go back to school after Spring Break, but we had to respect the possibility of the spread of coronavirus, so we stayed apart.

It wasn’t until a few weeks ago that we began to congregate at each other’s houses. We’ve had the kids, a family at a time, down here to the beach. I can’t begin to express how important it is, especially for us “Old timers” to be able to see and be with our family.

Luckily, they didn’t forget us, even the youngest. Of course, with the youngest, we had to take special precaution with the pool – like LOCKS! Fisher, the absolute youngest, asked me the other day “where’s the key?” Geez, he doesn’t miss a trick!

Unfortunately, “The Beach” hasn’t seemed to be its normal friendly place lately. Too many crazy events that don’t allow us to enjoy the safeness and carefree place we’re accustomed to. Depending on the tide, it’s not always possible to set up on the water side, but when we can, we do. The Grands all realize now, that if they’re going in the water, they have to wear life jackets. That’s just the way things go.

When we can’t go to the beach, we gather around the new pool. My Pool Boy keeps it vacuumed, chemical’d, and free of tiny bugs. I’ve found it quite relaxing and have even begun to do some exercising.

My Pool Boy told me only 220 laps will make a mile. I’m not there yet.


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