There are angels among us.

by Georgia Osten
Several years ago before Ike, we lost Mama, known to many as ‘Mike’ Osten. We had a Memorial for her out in the front yard in April, 2008. A lone dove sat at the peak of the house in front of us and watched the entire ceremony. We spot the dove from time to time and lovingly blow her a kiss…is this the spirit of Mama? We all like to believe it is.

At the Flanagan Christmas gathering last December, young Lexi, 7 years old, died as a result of an ATV accident. It’s been almost a year, and her family still grieves her loss, especially this time of year. On December 5th, the Flanagans were sitting out on the deck with Lexi’s Grandma, MiMi, who was visiting for the week. An owl flew and landed on the deck railing near the front door. As MiMi talked, the owl moved its head from side to side, as if totally intent on the conversation. Ever so gently, the owl flew over to MiMi and sat on her shoulder for 5-10 minutes, calmly listening to her. Grandmother MiMi felt the spirit of little Lexi, who in the form of the owl, was telling her Grandmother and Grandfather she is at peace.

May the road rise up to meet you
May the wind always be on your back.
May the sun lie warm upon your face.
And until we meet again,
May the Lord hold you
In the hollow of His hand.

Merry Christmas Sweet Lexi.

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5 Responses to “There are angels among us.”

  1. Joni Harding says:

    I had a similar experience in 2010 with an owl that looked almost identical to this one.My mother collected owls and she passed away on August 3rd 2008, just 1 month before Hurricane Ike.My youngest brother had written a fictional book before her passing about an owl and used our family as the characters in this book. I was really stressed out the night that this owl came to my bedroom window several times before I opened the blinds and it was staring straight at me. I knew right at that moment that it was my mom letting me know everything was going to be okay and I got myself calmed down. This is just a brief synopsis of the actual events but I told all of my friends about this after it happened.There are angels among us truly.

  2. Jane Imperato says:

    what a wonderful story, and we all know “owls are not people friendly, so for this owl to become perched on someone’s shoulders, I’m sure it was the grand dtr…

  3. Pat Commander says:

    I am Lexi’s Mimi & I wanted to thank you for the lovely article about my “visit” from Lexi. It was an extraordinary moment to say the least. I have thought about it a lot since that day, asking myself, “why at the beach & not at home?”. The answer finally came to me, Lexi had many happy times at Crystal Beach & other beaches as well. She came to where we were with family (Larry & Brenda) & the beach….her beloved beach.

    Thank you again,

    Pat (Mimi) Commander

    • Maria Sturdy says:

      There are angels among us!! I love this story, it give me chills and brings a smile to my face each time I hear or read it!

  4. Leigh says:

    Soooooo very sweet!! Merry Christmas Lexi!!

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