Amazing Sand Sculptures

spencer-0Our annual summer time beach visitor, Mike Spencer of Port Neches, Texas, entertained us all last week with his amazing sand sculptures. This summer, he and his family rented a beach house in Driftwood. Mike will tell you they’re not just “his” sculptures; he merely begins one and as the idea catches on, his daughters (ages 18, 22 & 25), and friends on the beach join in to complete these works of art. This family tradition all started many years ago. “About 25 years, off and on,” said Mike, “and as the kids got older the sculptures got more complex.”

Family and friends  join in to complete these works of art

Family and friends join in to complete these works of art

Starting each day around mid-afternoon, the sculpture is complete in a couple of hours. Beach-goers are constantly stopping to take pictures and ask questions during the process. At the end of the day, the artists leave the sculpture for all to enjoy. Check out this week’s gallery:

Monday's Elephant

Monday’s Elephant

Tuesday's Lion

Tuesday’s Lion

Wednesday's Reptile

Wednesday’s Reptile

Thursday's Serpent

Thursday’s Serpent

Friday's Rhinoceros

Friday’s Rhinoceros

Saturday's Snail

Saturday’s Snail

The sculptures actually inspired others to join in with own their own designs.

(This article published 7/27/2015)

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2 Responses to “Amazing Sand Sculptures”

  1. lisa haglund says:

    These were amazing. A Huge Shout Out to Mike Spencer and family for sharing these with the rest of us. Also, I am so happy with the drivers and everyone else for being so respectful of the great art and allowing them to stand as long as nature allowed!

  2. Jill says:

    I saw these on the beach and they were amazing. I posted pics on my facebook and everyone loved them. Thank you for adding beauty to the beach. Really enjoyed seeing them. Great job.

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