Joseph makes straight A’s

Brenda Cannon HenleyBy Brenda Cannon Henley
The story of Joseph in the Old Testament is delightful and filled with so much intrigue and mystery one literally cannot put it down if the reading is started with an open heart and willing spirit. Many of us remember that in Sunday School classes of old, we learned that the man Joseph was a dreamer. He had dreams and he believed in those dreams.

He did make one mistake that many of us have made. He shared his dreams with his brothers, and later, his own father and mother. In Joseph’s magnificent dream he saw their shocks of wheat bowing down to his shocks of wheat. There were many profound meanings to these dreams, but the brothers came away from the table not being too keen on the fact that Joseph believed these brothers were going to be subservient to him in later years. He was right.

You see, God was the author of this dream and His vast plan was to use Joseph to help save his people when great famine came to the land. Read Genesis 50 for background on this exciting story.

Anytime we set out to serve God with a pure heart and our motives are honest, you can rest assured we will be attacked by the Devil. Dr. B. R. Lakin, a dear friend of old, often told us when God was building the work of Forrest Hills Baptist Church in Decatur, GA., “If you want to be nothing, have nothing, and build nothing, just sit still and the Devil will leave you alone. But, if if you set out to do something for God that will help people and change lives, the Old Devil will come at you with all he has. He will attack you, your family, your business, your school, your health, and your heart.” I have lived long enough to know it is true.

This dream of Joseph’s was an advanced dream and God of Heaven and Earth was the Advancer. As the plan unfolded, we see Joseph sold into slavery by his own brothers. We see him taken in the clutches of the slave traders to a foreign land, he must risk the advances of wicked Potipher’s wife, he is thrown in jail, but yet, he remains true. God uses him just as he had planned. He rises to a position of leadership and is revered by those in power.

Famine and great want strike his home land and his family is in great want. But God has a plan.

And the Dreamer is such a huge part of that plan. The dream and all it accomplished was by and through faith. As history rolls on through time, this plan of God, given to Joseph the Dreamer, was acknowledged as divine. If God has put a dream in your heart to do for Him, let nothing stop you from doing it.

Brenda Cannon Henley can be reached at (409) 781-8788 or,
[email protected]


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One Response to “Joseph makes straight A’s”

  1. Barbra sockwell says:

    Brenda, I love this story, especially where Joseph was overcome with joy at the end and wept. The brothers feared him because they did not recognize God’s plan but Joseph did. I think that was part of his weeping. We can’t always see the big picture but just need to keep our Faith and trust in Him.

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