Thank You, Crystal Beach, Texas!

By Linda Elissalde
I have watched news and events from around the country. People are helping all over the USA, but what is happening here? I wanted to write something noble and inspiring about events in Crystal Beach during this horrendous Corona Virus Pandemic. Via cell phone and internet I discovered great things being done right here and now.

Emma (my gorgeous Labradoodle) and I drove around to see, and take pictures, of some happenings in our corner of the world. I discovered that I have no words to convey the magnificence of our community. So, here is a small list of some of what I discovered. It is just a part of what our grand peninsula is doing. Some residents help from home. Others go out, while taking safety precautions, are still in harm’s way.


  • Our Fire Station, EMS and Police continue to help.
  • Garbage Pick Up is right on schedule.
  • New Houses are going up all over.
  • Lawn services keep our area subdivisions and road areas neat.
  • US Post Office and Delivery services keep letters and goods flowing.
  • Restaurants provide tasty take outs for diverse palates.
  • Stores set up times for Senior Citizens to shop: Big Store – Tuesdays – 7:00 AM – 8:00 AM, 60 years and older. Dollar General and Family Dollar- 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM, Senior Citizens.


  • 2nd Going and Food Truck Distribution is still on Mondays. The volunteers wear masks and gloves. Recipients stay in cars for delivery.
  • 2nd Going is closed for now, but leader Fran Griffin is separating summer and winter clothes for a big sale when it opens again. No donations are being taken.
  • Crenshaw School Principal, Teachers, staff and bus drivers made plans. Teachers prepare packets of work for students that are distributed with food every Monday. The principal and teachers ride the bus route to deliver these items to pupils. They also provide digital learning for students who have access.
  • Bay Vue UMC Pastor Valerie Hudson has set up a website to provide Sunday Services and weekly devotionals online to her flock and any who wish to join. Paulette Layfield and LB Hunt present glorious music, George Strong welcomes listeners, and various readers provide Call to Worship and Scripture Readings. All are inspiring, but the star of these presentations is Valerie’s grandson Issac. Issac gives a children’s lesson each week. You don’t want to miss that!
  • Bay Vue set up a call service to keep in touch with anyone who might need help.
  • Ellen Kennedy is picking up plants for neighbors, while Mary Ellen Smith makes trips to bring goods that are not available.
  • Elaine Rollfing, in her home, has been making masks for Tideland’s Joe and Bambi Chapman’s Hospice Company in Texas City. When Elaine learned that these were needed by hospice folk, she started with 22, delivered them, now has 36 more ready, and she is still going.

Crystal Beach Doings and Social Distancing:

  • Gardening is going strong with Rita and Charles Moseley, Ellie Pollard, Ellen Kennedy and Marcel Elissalde. The Moseleys are already sharing greens. Others will share as vegetables ripen.
  • Crystal “Beachons” are such social folk. Many like Ellie and Tom Pollard are practicing safe visiting by talking across decks to new and long time neighbors. Some use balcony visiting. You know, one on the ground and the other up on deck. It is sort of “Shakespeareian”.
  • Jogging stays popular.
  • Dog Walking is good for dog and human pack leaders. (Emma tends to be our pack leader.)
  • Tree trimming, house cleaning, getting rid of all that stuff you don’t want any more is perking up all over.
  • Fishing is still a rewarding and distancing venture.

There are many more great things going on in our spot. I apologize to those I did not see or hear about on my trip. However, you can let me know by texting 409 256 1750. Thanks to Tom and Georgia Osten for posting pictures and composition. Jan Kent is hoping to do an edition online in April.

We are dealing with trying to be safe while helping our friends. I am inspired by Elaine Rollfing who stated, “It warms my heart to help others in need.” Thank you, Elaine.



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8 Responses to “Thank You, Crystal Beach, Texas!”

  1. Robert E. Byus says:

    Thank’s Linda, It’s great to know what is going on, on the peninsula. We miss all our friends on the Beach. May God Keep U Safe.

  2. Pat Horn says:

    Great article Linda. So enjoyed seeing and hearing about our old stomping grounds. Keep up the good work and everyone stay safe and healthy.

  3. Beth says:

    Heartwarming! Thank you for focusing on the positive!

  4. Kathy Hammond says:

    Great pictures of our wonderful community !
    Thank you.

  5. Dean Zellers says:

    Thank you for the great article, although we don’t get to spend FT with you, Pt B is our home away from home and we appreciate all the love and support you give each other. That’s what a community can do in rough times. Take care and we wish you all well. hugs from 6 feet.

  6. Jim Denys says:

    Great article Linda, just a few more changes I noticed this morning. Big Store Senior Shopping Tuesday at 7AM was a huge success that saw the parking lot packed at 7:15AM with 20 plus cars. The Deli was open but inside seating roped off. Rita’s and More outside seating was also roped off, and Parker Lumber now limits a maximum of 10 people with staff counting outside the store.

    Stay Safe everyone!

  7. Carlis Cole says:

    Thank you all for being our Beautiful Bolivar❤️

  8. Kelly Hover says:

    What a great article. Thanks Linda!

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