A Little Lagniappe – Books, Movies Musicals and More

Happy 90th Birthday to Queen Carole

By Linda Elissalde
Carole Griffith Chambers was born in Beaumont, Texas on July 13, 1934. Carole played the piano, sang in school choirs, studied voice with Eloise Milam and joined Beaumont’s Melody Maids. The Melody Maids, directed by Mrs. Milam, performed in many cities and on US Military Posts. One of those trips took Carole to

Generous, Generator Friends

By Linda Elissalde
We thought about fixing our small generator. We started work on it, but the weather was really hot. Then along came Beryl. Hurricane Beryl might come into Mexico. Then she seemed to move over to Texas. Our dear Huntsville friends Byron and Karen Kelly sent messages letting us know that our room was ready if we wanted to head north. They have

Where have all the sand dunes gone?

By Linda Elissalde
Nostalgia: A sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations.
Over the turn bridge and around the curve. The Gulf of Mexico with sunshine, wide beaches, freedom and sand dunes. Crossing Roll Over Pass where


By Linda Elissalde
George Strong told his friends that turning 87 on Saturday, June 8, 2024 was not a special age. However, he reckoned without his family and friends thinking George is special at any age. His sister Sharry and Crystal Beach neighbor Nanette Gans decided that George needed a birthday surprise. Nanette included me

Love, Faith, Gratitude

By Linda Elissalde
Caleb Harris was last seen March 4, 2024 at Cottages Apartments in Corpus Christi, Texas. There is no record of his disappearance as apartment security cameras were not working. Where is he? What happened? It is as if he disappeared into the fog. Family and friends

Pentecost Sunday

By Linda Elissalde
Pentecost is celebrated the Sunday that falls on the 50th day of Easter. It commemorates the descent of the Holy Spirit on Apostles and other disciples following the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus Christ. (Acts, chapter 2). It marks the beginning of the Christian Church’s mission to the world. Christians of many faiths

Lifeline and POPS work as a Team

By Linda Elissalde
It is amazing what can be accomplished when groups work together for a good cause. Non-profit organizations LIFELINE of Galveston County and PETS OVERPOPULATION PREVENTION SOCIETY (POPS) joined forces. They traveled via ferry on April 30, 2024 to Bolivar Peninsula to provide help for homeless

Celebrating May 5, 2024

By Linda Elissalde
Crystal Beach’s Bay Vue Methodist Church celebrated Cinco De Mayo Sunday, May 5, 2024. Cinco de Mayo commemorates a Mexican victory over the French in the Battle of Pueblo. Some church folk dressed in Mexican style clothing. Pastor Valerie Hudson prepared a hymn sung in English and Spanish for the church

The Bells chime more Loud and Sweet

Judge Earl Hines signals the beginning of Bay Vue Methodist Church Services each Sunday. He heads out the door a few minutes before service time and pulls the chord that sends a ringing message of welcome to all. Those bells, and bell tower, have been around for quite a while. However, the bell tower has been damaged by many years of Gulf Coast storms. Bay Vue’s Trustees

Eagles and Salty Mermaid join together

By Linda Elissalde
Fraternal Order of Eagles 3719 (FOE) hosted a second Salty Mermaid Style Show. The success of an earlier one prompted requests for a second. An SRO crowd agreed that the April 17th presentation was just as fantastic as the first one. Money from this event supports Eagles multiple charities. FOE President, and Chamber of Commerce

Celebrating their 60th Wedding Anniversaries

By Linda Elissalde
Barbara and Alan McNeill & Sally and Howard Nichols combined their celebration of 60 years of marriage with a grand party. Local and out of town family and friends joined the two couples at Amelia Farm and Market on April 13, 2024 to honor their years of wedded


“The Heavens Declare Their Glory.” Psalms
Clouds drifted across a brilliant blue sky. Sun peeked out behind fluff to declare, “I am still here.” Folk moved back and forth collecting food and drink. Lawn chairs were aligned. Special eclipse glasses were at the ready. Waiting! Waiting! Waiting! Then suddenly 12:22:48 AM arrived. Earth’s moon, a small black cookie, began moving

Oh! The People You’ll Meet At THE BIG STORE

By Linda Elissalde
What was it? Military Carrier? Strange RV? Something from Outer Space? I had never seen anything like this unique vehicle. AND, it was parked in front of THE BIG STORE in Crystal Beach, Texas. There was a young lady sitting in the passenger seat. So, standing on

Let Them Eat Cake

(Attributed to Marie Antoinette who most likely never said it.)
By Linda Elissalde
The Easter Bunny showed up early at Lazy Ladies Aerobic Class Monday, March 25. Thanks go to E. Bunny, aka Amy Lail, who hopped in with Easter bags for attendees. Each contained delicious homemade cupcakes topped with sugary Easter icing and decorations.

Those Invincible Bay Vue Methodist Women

By Linda Elissalde
Invincible. adjective: incapable of being defeated, overcome, or subdued.
Bay Vue Methodist Women (BMW) definitely proved just how invincible they were on March 16, 2024. President Elinor Tinsley and Treasurer Sandi Covington meticulously planned their annual Bake Sale. This delicious

THANK YOU, Very, Very, Very Much!

(Lyrics from the musical SCROOGE)
By Linda Elissalde
My birthday is February 14. There are some people who claim that I tell this to everyone I meet. (Surely they jest.) In many ways my birthday celebration(s) seem like a musical show. First is the anticipation, then the overture, several acts and a finale. This year my 83rd

A Most Gala Evening

By Linda Elissalde
Wine! Glitter! Beauty! Happiness! That is what happens when Sicily Meets Texas at BOLIVAR PENINSULA CULTURAL FOUNDATION’S (BPCF) ANNUAL WINE TASTING PARTY. The Moutons’ Villa Oasis served as backdrop for this glittering event. Elinor Tinsley, Vicky Norris, Sandi Covington, Linda Chesser, Marsha Fredenburg,

A Story of Love

By Linda Elissalde
It was always about love. Graceful dancer Christie and handsome world famous drummer Michael Feighan fell in love. They married. Then the two fell in love with a little girl named Tatiana residing in a Siberian Orphanage. A lot of work, and a lot of love, enabled the Feighans to finally bring this cute 7 year old from

Blankets! Pajamas! and Socks!

By Linda Elissalde
HOSPICE CARE TEAM, INC. (HCT) Administrator Dr. Joe R. Chapman, DHA, RN keeps up with Bay Vue Methodist Church’s activities. HCT’s myriad services include providing what is needed wherever patients are spending their final days. Pastor Valerie Hudson asked how Bay Vue Methodist Women (BVMW) could contribute.

Mary Ellen Smith returns

By Linda Elissalde
The Bolivar Peninsula is very proud of former citizen Mary Ellen Smith. She was the first Bolivar Realtor to serve as President of the Galveston Association of Realtors (GAR). ME, as her friends call her, moved here in 1983. After several successful ventures she became a licensed Real Estate Agent and then a Broker. Eventually

It really was beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

By Linda Elissalde
Galveston College Community Chorale performed their annual Christmas Program at Moody United Methodist Church on December 10, 2023. Talented director Mike Gilbert and piano virtuoso Ron Wyatt led the choir in seasonal musical offerings including an old favorite, “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas”. The Chorale received

YES! Bolivar Definitely Has Talent

By Linda Elissalde
President of Bolivar Peninsula Cultural Foundation (BPFC) Vicky Norris believed that residents of Bolivar Peninsula deserved a format for displaying their talents. Her enthusiasm resulted in BOLIVAR’S GOT TALENT. The association held open auditions, and seven acts were accepted for competition. First prize

Bay Vue Methodist Church Person of the Year 2023

Worthy: admirable, commendable, decent, deserving, estimable, excellent, good, honest, honorable, praiseworthy, reliable, respectable, righteous, valuable, virtuous, worthwhile

By Linda Elissalde
Bay Vue Methodist honors an outstanding church member each year by designating them

When Laura Comes To Town

By Linda Elissalde
Laura Bryan and Catherine (Cat) Holtzclaw once graced the Bolivar Peninsula with their talents and gracious personalities. However, they both moved to other destinations. Laura arranged to come back for a short visit. When her many friends in Water Aerobics and Bay Vue Methodist Church learned of her pending

Farewell, Paris. Hello Crystal, Beach!

By Linda Elissalde
Farewell to Chanel, Lanvin, and Saint Laurent Style Catwalks of Paris fame. Welcome to Shauna Schroeder and THE SALTY MERMAID’s wonderful Style Show at FOE EAGLES in Crystal Beach. Those Paris unanimated, pale models pale when compared to Salty Mermaid’s presentation. Talented Bob Hibbard served as

Free to sing

By Linda Elissalde
Dr. Marjan Afrouzian’s life is the story of a remarkable journey made by a remarkable woman. From Iran to Canada to Galveston, Texas is a quite a trip. Dr. Afrouzian, Associate Professor of Pathology (tenured) at Division of Surgical Pathology and a Retired Consultant Nephorpathologist at University of Texas Medical Branch

Ellie Pollard Celebrates a Birthday!

By Linda Elissalde
Just how old is that young looking Ellie Pollard? She claims that she subtracts a year when birthday time rolls around. Last year she was 3, but this year family and friends joined in to throw her an 80th birthday. When asked how old (young) she would be next year, Ellie answered, “I will be 7.” Whatever! Ellie is such a cute and

Happy Birthday to TWO

By Linda Elissalde
Moody and son Kelley Fredenburg shared their birthday celebration this year. Moody crossed into a new decade by turning 80. Kelley met a halfway mark at 55. Parties for one are a lot of fun, but the festivity provided for these special two was over the top. Marsha Fredenburg with help from family and friends put on a grand event

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