A Little Lagniappe – Books, Movies Musicals and More

It really was beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

By Linda Elissalde
Galveston College Community Chorale performed their annual Christmas Program at Moody United Methodist Church on December 10, 2023. Talented director Mike Gilbert and piano virtuoso Ron Wyatt led the choir in seasonal musical offerings including an old favorite, “It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas”. The Chorale received

YES! Bolivar Definitely Has Talent

By Linda Elissalde
President of Bolivar Peninsula Cultural Foundation (BPFC) Vicky Norris believed that residents of Bolivar Peninsula deserved a format for displaying their talents. Her enthusiasm resulted in BOLIVAR’S GOT TALENT. The association held open auditions, and seven acts were accepted for competition. First prize

Bay Vue Methodist Church Person of the Year 2023

Worthy: admirable, commendable, decent, deserving, estimable, excellent, good, honest, honorable, praiseworthy, reliable, respectable, righteous, valuable, virtuous, worthwhile

By Linda Elissalde
Bay Vue Methodist honors an outstanding church member each year by designating them

When Laura Comes To Town

By Linda Elissalde
Laura Bryan and Catherine (Cat) Holtzclaw once graced the Bolivar Peninsula with their talents and gracious personalities. However, they both moved to other destinations. Laura arranged to come back for a short visit. When her many friends in Water Aerobics and Bay Vue Methodist Church learned of her pending

Farewell, Paris. Hello Crystal, Beach!

By Linda Elissalde
Farewell to Chanel, Lanvin, and Saint Laurent Style Catwalks of Paris fame. Welcome to Shauna Schroeder and THE SALTY MERMAID’s wonderful Style Show at FOE EAGLES in Crystal Beach. Those Paris unanimated, pale models pale when compared to Salty Mermaid’s presentation. Talented Bob Hibbard served as

Free to sing

By Linda Elissalde
Dr. Marjan Afrouzian’s life is the story of a remarkable journey made by a remarkable woman. From Iran to Canada to Galveston, Texas is a quite a trip. Dr. Afrouzian, Associate Professor of Pathology (tenured) at Division of Surgical Pathology and a Retired Consultant Nephorpathologist at University of Texas Medical Branch

Ellie Pollard Celebrates a Birthday!

By Linda Elissalde
Just how old is that young looking Ellie Pollard? She claims that she subtracts a year when birthday time rolls around. Last year she was 3, but this year family and friends joined in to throw her an 80th birthday. When asked how old (young) she would be next year, Ellie answered, “I will be 7.” Whatever! Ellie is such a cute and

Happy Birthday to TWO

By Linda Elissalde
Moody and son Kelley Fredenburg shared their birthday celebration this year. Moody crossed into a new decade by turning 80. Kelley met a halfway mark at 55. Parties for one are a lot of fun, but the festivity provided for these special two was over the top. Marsha Fredenburg with help from family and friends put on a grand event

Happy 99th Birthday TO Queen Edith

By Linda Elissalde
“Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.” William Shakespeare
Shakespeare composed these words to describe Cleopatra, but they also describe the incomparable Edith Smith who will be 99 on October 12, 2023. Queen Edith beguiles all with her charm, wit, beauty and

See You At The Pole

By Linda Elissalde
See You at the Pole began with a small group of teenagers in Burleson, Texas who gathered for a DiscipleNow weekend in early 1990. It spread throughout Texas as many teenagers started similar prayer meetings at their schools. They chose to meet at school flagpoles and pray for friends, school and leaders. Eventually 20,000 students

Hello to FALL

By Linda Elissalde
Summer has ended. Fall has arrived. How do we know? Well, the calendar says so, and Crystal Canal held their annual END OF SUMMER PARTY on Saturday. Al White’s band provided great music; Sunset provided beautiful atmosphere. Elaine and Dennis Rollfing welcomed all arrivals to their lovely home and

BPCF Fantastic Fall Fair

By Linda Elissalde
Bolivar Peninsula Cultural Foundation (BPCF) hosted their annual Fall Arts & Crafts Fair September 16, 2023. This event continues to be a success that promotes the arts and brings profits to vendors and the foundation. Also, it is fun for all attendees of all ages. In addition to over 30 presenters, the Galveston Ukulele Band provided

Queen Emogene Rodriguez!

By Linda Elissalde
When Emogene Clark Rodriguez turned 90 her beloved sister Iva Dale declared, “My sister is 90, and that signifies royalty.” Everyone agreed with her declaration. Nearly 300 guests including multiple family and friends gathered at Bolivar Volunteer Fire Department on September 9 to celebrate. Attendees arrived from

Thank You, Educators

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22, 6
By Linda Elissalde
Bay Vue Methodist Church and Second Going Resale Store honored Bolivar Peninsula educators as they began the 2023 school year. Second Going gifted each teacher with $500 and $100 to other employees and also

Mystic Merry Crystal Beach Candy

By Linda Elissalde
Satin Hamilton shared a delightful tale of taking her grandchildren to CRYSTAL BEACH CANDY CO. The grandchildren loved this new beach establishment. They discovered so many sweet selections; The place was beautiful; Satin’s grandchildren learned the delights of sharing. What exactly is Crystal Beach


By Linda Elissalde
PEOPLE HELPING PEOPLE is the wonderful slogan mounted above a door in Seaside Lumber Company. Nowhere is this more true than in Southeast Texas and on the Bolivar Peninsula. Examples abound all along our coast. Entergy Texas, Inc. gifted Texas Crab Festival Charities with a grant of $1000 as a contribution to

Tomatoes Rule!

By Linda Elissalde
It has always been my contention that Eve did not give up the Garden of Eden for an apple, but for the botanical fruit TOMATO (Solanum lycopersicum). Apples are certainly healthy and good for you. However, a tomato is much more delicious. No one puts an apple into a BLT sandwich. Ah! But, the tomato is a vegetable you

Bay Vue Beach Library

By Linda Elissalde
Bay Vue Methodist Church (BVMC) joined with Eagles and others to create a Beach “Lending” Library. Pat Tinsley built the unique edifice. Elinor Tinsley, George Strong, Jo and Don Evans helped with painting. This Beach Library contains beach play equipment for youngsters to borrow. When they finish, they can return the items

Happy Birthday, George!

By Linda Elissalde
Bay Vue Methodist Church (BVMC) Sunday Services always open with George Strong’s strong welcome of, “GOOD MORNING, CHURCH”. Where upon, congregants strongly shout back, “GOOD MORNING, GEORGE!” This is always an uplifting experience. George Strong turned 86 on June 8, 2023. Yes, he is still going

Spirit of 76!

By Linda Elissalde
Lovely Sherry Morgan’s 76th birthday fell on May 28, 2023. Sandwiched between Memorial Day and July 4, it seemed that a patriotic theme would be appropriate for her party. (Although it must be added that Sherry does not look anywhere close to 76 years of age.) Jose’s once again provided the perfect venue for

Mary Raney Meditation Garden

By Linda Elissalde
Mary Raney was diagnosed with numerous cancers in 2018. One prognosis decreed that she had only 18 months to live-a prediction that was so wrong. With her belief, “Nothing shall separate me from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord,” Mary placed her health in the hands of good physicians and her faith in the hands of

On the road again

By Linda Elissalde
After the devastation of Hurricane IKE, we lost friends, businesses, homes, and felt we had lost our community. That is when the spirit of Jane Long surfaced to tell us – She survived desertion, Indian attacks, and the terrible winter of 1821 on Bolivar Peninsula – and thrived. We survived, and like The Mother of Texas Jane Wilkinson

Splish! Splash!

By Linda Elissalde
Lazy Ladies Aerobics Group celebrated the end of their Fall, Winter and Spring Work Out Sessions with a Pool Party. Charismatic leader Elinor Tinsley hosted this event at the Tinsleys’ beautiful home on Melody Lane. Everyone provided delicious snacks that included Dirty Martini Dip, Chips with Cheese Dip, Deviled Eggs,

Bay Vue Methodist Women honor Crenshaw Teachers

By Linda Elissalde
BAY VUE METHODIST WOMEN (BVMW) met in Fellowship Hall April 10 and prepared special gifts to honor Crenshaw teachers on Teacher Appreciation Day, May 2. BVMW President Elinor Tinsley had everything prepared for members and friends who joined them. Each box had a teacher’s name with designs honoring their

Strictly for the Birds!

By Linda Elissalde
Bolivar Peninsula Cultural Foundation (BPCF) hosted a Birding Event at Smith Oaks Rookery on April 25, 2023. Members treated the group to wine, beer, cheese and crackers. Famed biologist Winnie Burkett spoke to an enchanted group of 35 people. She detailed how High Island was formed, explained the rookery and

BPCF Brings Sunshine!

By Linda Elissalde
Weather forecasters predicted rain for Saturday, April 15, 2023. However, those prognostications were proved wrong when BOLIVAR PENINSULA CULTURAL FOUNDATION (BPCF) held their SPRING ARTS & CRAFTS FAIR. It was a sun shiny day as copious numbers of shoppers came to support vendors and

An Angel was dancing in Heaven

By Linda Elissalde
“The bliss of Heaven has been characterized by the dance of angels and the illumination of light.”
Michael Feighan and Whitecross were able to perform at Crystal Beach because of Minh Tran head of Paradise Park at Camp Margaritaville. It looked as if high tides would capsize plans for this highly anticipated

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