This situation has gotten out of hand!

By Georgia Osten
Wish I had something cheerful to write about this week, but coming off a weekend like we just experienced, it’s not possible. The Jeepers are hanging onto calling it Jeep Weekend, but in reality it’s Go Topless Weekend, gtw. This is what it’s literally become, gtw. Poles set up, nude women parading around, decadence, pure decadence. Sorry, Linda, I can’t be as sweet as you are on this subject.

The lewd behavior and actions of these children is deplorable, the fact that some of the older ones brought their children to witness this behavior. Do they lack morals? Obviously, yes!
Did anyone give a thought to the circumstances, life support being able to get to the beach to assist someone in need? The beaches were gridlocked, there’s no way an ambulance could get on the beach, much less reach someone in need.

DPS doubled up, EMS tripled up. At least 5 other counties and agencies had to be called in to assist working around the clock. There are reports of a fatality, but that hasn’t been confirmed. There is at least one fighting for his life, he was life-flighted to UTMB after falling out of a truck. Senseless, unnecessary, very unfortunate.

The need for home owners and residents to step in to clean up on Sunday was inevitable. People, and I use that term lightly, living in their own filth, leaving it behind for us to pick up after them. All home owners came out in droves to clean up in front of their subdivisions. Bags and bags of trash, beer cans, cigarette packages, toilet paper. Disgusting, to say the least.

There were still some stragglers on the beach on Sunday, just watching us clean up around them, not lifting a finger, waiting until noon when they could go buy some more beer.

A petition has been circulating to end Jeep Weekend on Bolivar. Over 8000 have signed the petition so far.

I suggest all stores shut down, no gas, no beer, no cigarettes, no ice, no restaurants. Home owners are crazy to rent to such a rowdy crowd, I’ll bet their houses were trashed. One incident, renters came back to their cabin to find a drunk passed out on their sofa, vomit all over the house. DPS was called, and the drunk was removed.

Stop welcoming this crowd, make it uncomfortable for them, they will not be catered to, they will eventually leave.


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11 Responses to “This situation has gotten out of hand!”

  1. Jim jones says:

    Top less will never be stopped. The small town needs the money to much

  2. Karyn Conner says:

    I am happy to say I missed the Jeep weekend, I come to Crystal Beach and Galveston at least ten times a year from Grapevine. I googled the topless weekend from last year and knew it wasn’t for me. Everyone has valid arguments, but I would hate for them to close the beaches to vehicles, it is one of the most charming things that I love about Bolivar. I lived in a tourist town in NW Arkansas for 25 years, they had to loose a couple of rowdy weekends but replaced them with more culpable weekends. It doesn’t sound like it represents most Jeepers, I used to have a Jeep and we never went to rallies quite like that. It sounds like the Texas Crab Festival went well….maybe do a shark week festival???

  3. Jay Bailleaux says:

    I have 2 words for y’all, LAW ENFORCEMENT.
    Not enough Law Enforcement Officers on site to meet the demands of the public. Freedom ain’t free. We have to allow others to have freedom to do things we don’t like. There is enough laws on the books to cover all the complaints I see posted here. Parking permits, fines, and taxes (I pay plenty to Galveston county). If not, then special venue fees should be charged to the organizers of topless week or the jeep clubs themselves.
    We need not go overboard and stifle FREEDOM!

  4. Kyle Roebuck says:

    First let me say, that is was not what “Jeepers” are about. Myself did not attend, but a large group of my friends did and were not happy with the turn out of “Non-Jeepers”. I and many others truly enjoy Crystal Beach/Bolivar Peninsula.

    What about implementing temporary ordinances to limit some things?

    Example; 1.) NO un-licensed vehicles or vehicles that are not street legal (4wheelers, side-by-side(SxS), ATV’s, etc.). Exception would be golf carts, since local residents do own golf carts. If you can’t legally operate it on the street then it doesn’t need to be on the beach.
    2.) NO riding in the back of pick-up trucks, PERIOD!

    In my opinion, those two things would cut back on the crowd and some of the idiots. It is very possible it would lessen the amount of vehicles on the beach that weekend. Make the temporary ordinances for at least four (4) days, Thursday – Sunday of the event weekend. It is a shame that what was once a fun event for “Jeepers” has been ruined by those who don’t even own a jeep. Well I hope this will help some and maybe some better ideas will arise before next year.

  5. Max says:

    Realistically, I’m not sure if the Jeep Weekend can be stopped without shutting down the beach to vehicles. Police have to work on a budget with not a whole lot of officers. A lot of people are quick to point out that the police have to do something. Volunteer your time for the police/Sheriff reserve programs, offer up your extra rooms/property or driveways to police and EMS. Give them reduces cost for food. What are the locals doing to help out their local emergency services?

  6. Larry Campbell says:

    Thank You Georgia ! You are 100% correct. The “jeepers” have lost this gathering. Your ideas are radical,but spot on.! Those who promoted and made money from this travesty should be ashamed.

  7. Linda C Elissalde says:

    Bravo, Georgia! Wish I had said that!! You are the best!!!

    Linda C. Elissalde

  8. Rod & Colleen Etchberger says:

    Please add us to that petition. We were at the Beach House on Thursday and left Friday morning. If Jeep Weekend does continue, charge them to get on the Peninsula to defray the cost of services and cleanup. Disgusting!

    • Angela says:

      That is my thoughts exactly. Set up road blocks at each end of the peninsula and charge $100 per person! Residents and home owners would have to show electric and water bill to enter without paying ! This might help, surely wouldn’t hurt !

  9. John Chesser says:

    Well said. And thanks for calling what it is. There are still many supporters of this mess that are already planning next year. Let’s hope we can stop it or at least police it as it should be.

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