Aged by grace

Brenda Cannon HenleyBy Brenda Cannon Henley
It is a natural process and we should learn to embrace it – the art of aging by grace. As the years go by, and lately, they seem to fly, not crawl, we learn that everything constantly changes, and that includes us as human beings. Tonight, I spent some time looking around in our church service and I caught myself making mental notes about men and women, many of them I consider my friends, and how they have approached and handled aging.

The Scripture is clear about what God expects as we age, and especially how we are to please Him as we grow and mature as Christians. We can be 90 and immature in the things of God. We can be children in our faith and walk in the Christian life, while our natural bodies advertise the many birthdays we have experienced. Or, we can age gracefully and become trained and equipped to mentor younger Christians about life in general and spiritual matters in particular.

God directs the older women to teach the younger women. Family structure often provides these good role models for younger wives and mothers. When those, for whatever reason, fail, God often provides an older, wiser aunt, grandmother, church friend, neighbor, or teacher to step up to the plate and fill the gap.

Young men learn from the example and pattern set by older men or males God places in their path to serve as examples and teachers.

It is encouraging to me as I contemplate reaching yet another decade in a couple of years that God still has work for me to do here on earth, or else He would call me home. I have learned so much in the last seven or so years. I find great joy in the fact that I am still teachable, have a desire to grow and learn, enjoy modern technology, and can find simple joys in the things God has placed in my life.

I miss my dear husband terribly since his death in 2014, but I have found new joys to experience and share. I have taken the time to travel some and enjoy my family and grandchildren, in particular. I can still learn and grow. I have decided that the older I get, the more comfortable I am in my own skin. With advanced age comes new experience, hopefully wisdom, honest peace, and a certain level of respect. In fact, I think it fair to say that I am having fun being me in my late 70s.

Getting older no longer frightens me nor does it intimidate me as it might once have done. We have truly come a long way, Baby. In 1900, the life expectancy was 48 years for women. Today, that expectancy has increased to over 80 with many living much longer. I read recently of a 101 year old runner that was a triple medalist in her events and a 98 year old yoga instructor with dozens of students.

Almost nothing is more repulsive to me that a mean, bitter, rude, angry older woman. She does not set a good example for the younger women in her circle and she doesn’t exhibit the character traits of being aged by grace.

(In a following column, we will deal with contributing factors to not aging well).

Brenda Cannon Henley can be reached at 409 781 8788, or
[email protected]


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