Investing our time wisely

By Brenda Cannon Henley
No matter your age, occupation, hobbies, or favorite sports, not to mention close family members and friends that you really do love, there is just something extra special about getting together. It has been quoted and written many times that time is the greatest gift human beings can bestow on each other. I love reunions, whether school, church, area wide, or family, and I am excited to think of going “home” wherever that might be for all of us. Ted and I will be traveling to Georgia around the first of October for three different reunions and I am excited. I have been choosing clothing, food, and travel plans for weeks now.

James L. Brooks wrote that he took some time out for life. “Going home and spending some quality time with family and friends keeps one grounded,” wrote Jennifer Ellison. I admit that for many years in my earlier life, I was far too busy to understand the value and importance of being with those I love the most. I had children to rear, a home to keep in top shape, animals to tend, and work that occupied way too much of my days and my nights. When I was off from the office, the job I had at the time (writing, meeting planning, and fund raising for a large international ministry) caused me to keep the work in my heart and mind far too much. I washed dishes thinking about it, I mowed the lawns and pastures thinking about it, I read about it, I talked to others about it, and I prayed about it at every junction of my life. It almost used me up for the better part of twenty years.

However, on the flip side, this same job gave me opportunities to travel that I would never have had, caused me to meet interesting people from all walks of life, and to learn so much that I did not know. “I’ve been blessed enough that I can gather all sorts of experiences and find inspiration by traveling around and by spending time with people I admire,” wrote entertainer Bonnie Raitt recently. I am convinced that we can learn from everyone we meet. Some things may be ones that we will want to pattern after in our own life and some will likely be those that cause us to say, “I surely don’t want to be like that.” Both are learning experiences and can help to mold and shape our lives.

Time is the one investment we all have to make. Some of us have more and some have less, according to the laws of humanity. How we choose to spend it affects not only our lives, but also that of those we love. Invest well so that your dividends will be pleasing to you on down the road.

“Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:16)

“Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Ephesians 5:20)

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