Keepin it Coastal schedules first Beach Clean-up

“Keepin It Coastal” is a new Facebook page created as an effort to exploit the beauty of our natural resource, and reduce the amount of trash left behind by beach goers who don’t understand the far reaching implications of their actions.

“We have an issue here in Crystal Beach TX related to beach goers leaving to much trash on the beach. And although we understand its impossible to keep the beach completely free of trash, we are hoping to raise awareness and reach out to those responsible, and try to effort some change. We are involved in the Texas Adopt a Beach Program and the use of Social Media, to spread the word, and hopefully make a difference!”

Keepin it Coastal is the Beach Guardian for the Adopt a Beach program at Boyt Road, and the first beach clean-up will be on 13th of July at 9am. It is a one mile clean-up; trash bags, rubber gloves, and ice water will be provided. Please join us at Boyt Road and the beach. Keepin it Coastal wants to make a difference! Mike & Stacy Grubbs aka. Keepin it Coastal, 832-859-1243

Keepin It Coastal on FACEBOOK

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