Miss Bee’s Bolivar Buzz

Shannon WilliamsBy Shannon Williams
“Art is everywhere and everywhere is Art- Brandon Boyd
For the past two weekends, I have joined with friends to take one of those classes where you go and they provide all the supplies and lead you though an art (crafts, really) project. I love these events for many reasons. I get to spend time with like minded people, we have fun, I can complete a project within the time frame, and I don’t have to gather the items needed, figure out how to do it and find a block of time to get it done.

I did not grow up doing any type of art, I never took an art class in high school or even college. My mother was not a crafty person, she did do some needlepoint after she retired, but we never really had any art stuff in the house growing up. When I got out of college and began to work, women would have parties for many different reasons, there were the old standards like Tupperware Parties, Mary Kay, and someone was always selling some sort of jewelry. We would call it a party, but it was really just a chance to get together for a hen chat and we were glad to buy a couple of items to thank the hostess. During this time, that same group started to get together to make a craft project. Usually someone had a sister or a friend who had done it and we would all buy our supplies and gather and do the project. Without a doubt, I have great memories of these times. I still have several of the items I created. Usually they were a holiday theme of some sort. I made a witch from a mop head and one of my all-time favorites was an angel from a tomato cage. I dragged out the witch this year and called my friend who I made it with and we had a great chat, and we both still had our witches!! The tomato cage angel bit the dust many years ago and it was not one that I think I could recreate, but I am sure I could find it on Pinterest.

When I was in my 40’s and had just gone through a very emotional divorce, I decided I was going to do ART, not crafts, but real art! I found a pottery classes and fell in love with the whole process. You are wondering…now, Shannon, I have not seen any pottery pieces in in your home. Well there are some, they are in my office! While I love the process, pottery is hard and it takes time to learn it. I took classes for about 3 years and have some neat little pieces. My wheel work was, well, let’s just say I made a ton of chamber pots (which is what you called something that does not look like what it should be LOL). I also found an art teacher and began to learn watercolor painting. I cannot draw, therefor never considered myself a true artist or painter, as I have to copy or use a light box to trace anything I paint! For several years while I lived in West Texas, I sent Christmas Cards that I had painted!

When I decided to move to Crystal Beach and become Mrs. Williams, life was very busy. My father was dying, my son was moving to the West coast, I was transferring the Non-Profit housing that I had been the Executive Director for, building a house down here and starting a new job. Needless to say, the whole arts and crafts part of my life did not make the trip! I packed up my art house contents and they stayed in boxes until last year, when I built an art house (a tough shed) down here. It was like Christmas to unpack all of my supplies and goodies and find a place for them. I wish I could tell you I spend hours in there, but again, it is hard to find the time that I can really block off, and then I have to be in the mood, but I am getting there. So, I take classes and just enjoy so much making something, chatting with new and old friends and taking a time out from the world.

Last year, I made frames with a picture of my mother, I gathered all of my mother’s costume jewelry and attached them to the frame, along with pieces of the family Wedgewood china (only the ones that had broken). I made 15 of them for all of my siblings and all of the grandchildren, the first 3 or 4 were fun, then it was a chore. But when I go to visit family, I see them displayed in their homes, so it was well worth it. After all, what do you do with those items?

I have begun to introduce the world of arts and crafts to my grandson. He has a special drawer in the art house and has paints just for him. He has gone with me to “The Shard Yard” to do some craft projects for gifts to give to his parents and he loves it. It has now become tradition that we get together and make gifts for his parents.

I love to go to museums and see wonderful works of art, it brings such joy and peace to take all of the beauty of the paintings or sculptures in, but I enjoy my little craft projects just as much. While they do not take my breath away with their beauty, they give me a peace to take time to just enjoy a few hours with nothing demanding my time.

[SW: Nov-21-2023]

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