Miss Bee’s Bolivar Buzz

Shannon WilliamsBy Shannon Williams
It is a Monday in ever sense of the word…… It just seems like nothing is going to be easy today, including writing this. LOL. I just could not come up with something to write about, well I could, but I would be in trouble if I put some of my current thoughts on paper! So, we are still boiling water, the internet went down for a brief time early this am, but is fully functional now, no excuse not to work. I got early calls from employee’s who were going to be out on a MONDAY, not really the best day to call in. Checked on three employees who are very ill with COVID, (I feel so helpless as there is nothing to do but Pray, but I guess that is the most powerful thing we can do).

Attempted to get my MOJO going and really get some work turned out, but seem to just be staring at the computer screen trying to figure out what I want to do, which is not be in front of a computer! I took a break and fixed myself a bowl of my chicken and dumplings, not the best to eat on a hot day, but this weekend, I really wanted them so now I have a whole pot of them to eat!

This week, I am covering for three of my peers and acting as the regional for about 40 sites. It is not such a big load, just a ton of little things and trying to deal with many different personalities that are new to me. I cannot continue all week in this “Monday mood”, so I put on some tunes to try and change my mood; it is a trick I have used for many years and I have a few old favorites that seem to change the mood and get me going. So, cue up the old marching band favorite of “March Grandioso” turn up the speakers and off we go. Full disclosure, I did not attend a school that uses this as one of their songs, but just love the Full sound of it. If you don’t know the tune I speak of, google it on YOUTUBE and give it a listen. Well, I left my YouTube open and it played by Dad’s favorite song next…the Wabash Cannonball. Guess my dad was telling me to stop whining and get to work!!

I am amazed at how we can just put the name or what we think the name of a song in the computer and up it comes!! I have also been one of those people who will listen to a song over and over. The first record I ever got was when we were living on a RAF base in England (my dad was assigned to the Royal Air Force for two years in the early 60’s so we lived on a RAF base, the only Americans!) The record was “Ferry Cross the Mersey” and I play it over and over again. My siblings hated it and most likely still do today. I need to rewrite the words for the Galveston Ferry!

Today, my music list on Spotify had many songs that took me back, and by some of my favorite artists. I am still just in awe of how it picks out music for me and seems to know all of what I listen to for many years. I still think my guardian angel is acting as the DJ and works to have music that will inspire me and work to change my mood when it needs changing.

So grateful for prayer and music to help me with days like today and to help us all cope with all that is going in our little world and in the larger communities that we are a part of. I had so hoped and prayed that COVID would have been something we went though at this time, but it seems not to be and it continues to be heartbreaking to so many. I know we have been told so much and it is so difficult to know what to think and to make decisions on what we should and should not do during this time. In this day of having so much information and knowledge at our fingertips, it seems it is much harder to decide just who is telling the truth or enough of the truth for us to take action on. It is a sad place to be, when you need good solid information and cannot be sure on who is really giving that or if they have some other motivation behind what they are trying to get you to believe. So, for today, and this MONDAY, I will continue to listen to music to try and brighten my day and continue to keep us all in prayers as we are still in the middle of this crisis. Please work to make a decision on what is best for you, but remember your decision affects anyone you come into contact with.

Now going to cue up the marching music and get it done!


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