What does God want?

By Brenda Cannon Henley
Sitting at my desk thinking before I began to write my column for the week, the thought hit me like a ton of bricks, “I ask God for so much, for health, for protection for my children, for finances, for safety, for blessing on my family and friends, for ideas, for ways to help others, and perhaps other good things, but what does God really want?” I am His child and I do love Him the best I know how, but do I really care about whatever it is that He might want or might choose for me to do or to be? Do you? I know we are taught to come to Him in praise both in music and words, and I do try to say, “Thank you,” to Him often.

As I was reading His word, this verse seemed to be highlighted just for me:

“…what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk (humble yourself to walk humbly) humbly with thy God?” (Micah 6:8)

There was the answer to my question. That is what God wants for His children.

Thinking more on this amazing subject, I decided that God desires we have a relationship together, Him and us. Us and Him. When you first fall in love with a person, you work on that relationship. You do all you know to do or can think of to please that person. You are willing to sacrifice your own interest for their interest. You desire that the relationship grow and expand and create a new world of love. Is that not about the most exciting thing that can be imagined. The God of the universe wants us to have fellowship, one on one, with Him. He does not want religion in the most common sense — He wants a relationship.

Mark 12:28-31 teaches that God wants our love and that He is worthy of it, and then, we are taught to love others. “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. There is none other commandment greater than these.” How many problems could be solved if we simply loved God and walked in a real relationship with Him and then followed His commandment to love others?

If we are walking daily in this right relationship with God, we want to reach out and rescue others. We want to be open to His desire, His leading, His gentle nudging through the power of the Holy Spirit. The word, “rescue” involves service, which means “to work in any sense,” “bring to pass,” or “become a bondservant.” The Apostle Paul often described himself as a bondservant of Christ. We are willing to serve because we realize all that the Lord has done for us and for those we love.

I am amazed at some who call themselves Christian, but who do not want to serve. They want to be labeled “good people” and perhaps even “righteous people” when it is convenient, but when the rubber hits the road, they want only to glide along. They are not willing to dirty their hands, sacrifice, give up space, or put forth effort that will cost them anything at all. God is treated like a last minute fire escape. He is there not to be honored, but to be used in times of emergency. That is not an attitude of service and rescue.

And the third thing I thought about is that God wants His children to rely on Him. I don’t believe for one minute God wants His children to live in fear, sadness, despair, or constantly looking over their shoulder for punishment of some kind. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5) The word, “trust” indicates “refuge” or “safety.” We are to trust, to be confident or sure, and because of that, we can be bold, secure, and happy. We can develop a true relationship with the God of the universe, rescue others by serving, and we can rely on Him to care for our needs.

Brenda Cannon Henley can be reached at (409) 781-8788 or at [email protected].

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