Nutcracker with My Girls

(Dec-5-2011) Traditions, every family has them…one of ours (girls only) is the Nutcracker Ballet. This year’s Nutcracker was e-specially “special.” Our group consisted of my two granddaughters, two daughters, daughter-in-law and me, Proud Grandma. Our “performance” began at the Aquariam for lunch, where the Sea Bass, Groupers, Manta Rays and Sharks performed to our delight.
At the Wortham Center, my oldest daughter arranged for us all to sit in a box, none of us knew what to expect. Guess what? We’re spoiled, we’ll never be able to sit with the commoners again. The highlight of the event for all was watching the ballet through the eyes of my three year old granddaughter. She danced throughout the entire show, swaying, pirouettes, sissonne, bows, talking to the characters, “Silly Rats,” “Bye-Bye Prince,” “where’s Clara going?” What amazed us all was that she was totally enthralled, never bored, never fidgety. When we got home, she put on her dress up and replayed the ballet for us. I’ve never enjoyed the ballet more, the emotion, my cup runneth over …

GO’s Sand Bucket is only one beach bum’s journal of life at the beach, probably something each of you can relate to. Please feel free to email me with your thoughts, visions and/or feelings of just exactly what the beach means to you.
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