
cbyusBy Charlotte Byus
Several years ago, Josh, our oldest grandson, asked RR if he could purchase Bubba-Ann. RR had to give it great thought as that was his baby, even though he had a new truck. He knew all along he would sell it to Josh but first he needed to let go. Finally, the day came and Josh had the truck he had wanted for many years. As Josh drives away in Bubba-Ann, RR was very quiet. Bubba-Ann came to visit often and that made RR very happy.

RR, Josh, and Bubba-Ann

Once again, several years later, our youngest grandson Matthew asked me if he could purchase my truck. I said yes, if you accomplish the following:

Save the money for the purchase – he started a yard service at 14 and worked every season for the purchase, plus he saved enough for the insurance down payment. Check

Do good in school – he is a member of the National Honor Society and the Spanish Honor Society and first in his grade at Pearland High School. Check

Get his drivers license. Check

Well he did all of this in two years, Darn. I really thought I had more time, silly me. He was a young man on a mission.

Youngest grandson Matthew with his new truck

To be truthful, I was not ready to give up my independence. I know we do not need two trucks, but reporting in is not my style. “Hey RR, I’m off to Galveston or League City for shopping”is all I had to say. Now, I need to watch the time just in case he has something to do in the afternoon.

Plus, I am not too good in judging in a dually truck. The front sticks out further than my truck and double the back tire space. I need a third eye, one for each of the side mirrors and one for the front. We have had several heated conversations on judging distances and then there is the difference in engine power.

You see RR’s truck is a Ram 3500 with a diesel engine and my truck had a really big high-power engine that would get up and GO. Boring! I have to rethink pulling out into traffic now and several times I have received furrowed brow looks.

I know many of you have gone through this and I hope it was easier for you than it is for me. Once again this goes back for asking for patience, here we go again, Dear Lord.

Have a great week and watch out for me, I’m the crazy lady in the really big truck at the Big Store trying to put it in a spot for a sub-compact.


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One Response to “Grandsons”

  1. Ann says:

    GOOD ONE!! 😂😂😂

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