Sales Tax Election on November 5

Since the voters on the Bolivar Peninsula approved in May of 2013 the establishment on an Emergency Services District, the Commissioners of GCESD#2 have reviewed the Galveston County Appraisal Districts tax appraisals, received the budgets from the three Volunteer Fire Departments (Crystal Beach, Port Bolivar and High Island) and PEMSI, the emergency medical service group, approved a total budget for the District, adopted property tax exemptions and have set the tax rate for this year to be 10 cents per $100 of assessed value on real estate.

During the campaign to pass GCESD#2, the community heard many comments about ways to share the cost of the District with the visitors to the Peninsula. It is estimated that a Sales Tax on goods sold on the Peninsula of 2 cents would offset approximately one half of the total annual cost of the District. That is why the Commissioners have set an election for November 5, 2013 to ask the voters to approve a 2 cent sales tax.

The Commissioners are thankful for all the support they have received during the past months and urge all voters on the peninsula to vote for the 2 cent sales tax.

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4 Responses to “Sales Tax Election on November 5”

  1. MIke says:

    Your county commissioners must think we are pretty stupid on the Peninsula. They take away our Justice of the Peace and our Constable, double and triple our property evaluations and expect us to say “Thanks” by approving a 34% increase in sales taxes. Let’s prove them wrong on November 5th.

  2. William Comeaux says:

    Here is the bottom line. Had we not voted to approve the ESD, emergency services on the peninsula would have ceased to exist as we know them. The county said that funding would be cut. So when little bobby hurt himself or grandpa was having a heart attack, chances of an ambulance arriving in time would have decreased dramatically. The ESD NEEDED to be formed. It was voted in to continue to provide much needed services to our residents. The 2 cent sales tax was ALWAYS a goal for the ESD and was discussed at every opportunity available by the board to the people. The purpose of the sales tax is to spread the cost of the services to everyone including beach visitors so that our property taxes can be reduced. This was never hidden by the board. The 8.25% tax will be the same as nearly anywhere else in the state that you shop. We have had the luxury of a lower sales tax here for a very long time, but neccessity overrides luxury. I would imagine that if it is ever any of you sitting waiting on EMS to arrive because you are losing too much blood, trapped in a car after a wreck or having a stroke, you will be glad to have a quick response. The board is not made up of politicians, these people are volunteers who are receiving NOTHING in return. These are the people you see everyday at the store, they are your neighbors. They live in the community and are working very hard to make Bolivar Peninsula a better place to live.

  3. jim srader says:

    Why anyone would be surprised at the backdoor methods used by this group are a wonder. This is exactly why I voted NO on the original ballot and intend to vote no on this one. Once you give these people money they will continue to want more. They are politicians and not to be trusted!

  4. Mike VanZandt says:

    Why weren’t we told about this before we approved the EMS District? It’s a sneak attack on our wallets. 6.25% is plenty of sales tax. No more taxes. Enough is enough.

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