What are we to do when we are fearful?

By Brenda Cannon Henley
Fear is one of Satan’s best tools and he knows how to wield it to his best advantage. He comes at Christians with apprehension, attacks, and attitude. We have written many times in this column about the importance of keeping our attitudes right with God and our fellow man or woman. When our attitude starts to slip into a dangerous place, if we are not very careful, our actions will follow. Granted, these slips may appear very small and perhaps unnoticeable at first, but they grow as though fueled by dry, tender kindling. The final scene is often big, hurtful, and harmful for years.

Consider a man or a woman who feels that their life mate just doesn’t understand them. A kind man or woman in the work environment, or at the ball park where the kids play, or even in a family neighborhood, seems to be so sympathetic and offers a smile, a listening ear, and perhaps later, much more than that. Maybe the two discover that they have much in common on which to build a friendship. Certain movies, television shows, and music draw their attention, and they begin to compare notes and talk often in long, detailed conversations. They laugh and smile, but both parties sense it is wrong and know in their hearts the action will likely end sadly. Yet, they run headlong into trauma, drama, and pain. Saddest thing is, the choices do not affect just the two consenting adults, but all those in the wake. Innocent children, parents, siblings, and the person they vowed to love until death do us part.

How does Satan get a good-hearted person to become fearful and fall into known sin? We sometimes imagine that others are talking about us behind our backs. We feel that we are being judged and coming up short. We tell ourselves that life has not been fair to us. Physical ailments, financial distress, unhealthy family relationships, job situations, and a lack of meeting personal goals can often channel into fear. We begin to take on the mentality of “what if my life is never any better?” And, then Satan, sensing a real win, jumps right in and offers “proof” that we really are on that course. We cannot see the good in the forest of our lives for sensing the bad. Everything begins to take on new and threatening danger. The more we allow our minds to dwell on the negative, the more power we are giving to Satan, the king of liars.

In times like these, and please believe me, everyone has them, we must dwell on the good things God has done for us. Think about how many times God has delivered us in the past from our own temptations, our own jealousy, rage, anger, and even acts of harm toward others. There are many jokes about keeping our tempers for fear of ending up in jail, but in reality, we have to do just that. If we dwell on how to get even, how to get ahead in a wrong manner, or how to hurt others, our lives will become bogged down in pain and suffering and most good things will lose their meaning. My old boss often said that if we store bitterness, hatred, and envy in our hearts, the container would soon be damaged beyond repair.

What is the first practical step we can take today to avoid being fearful? Dwell on the good and right in our lives. God has done great things for each of us. He tells us clearly in His Word, “What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee.” (Psalm 56:3) The following verse is often overlooked. “In God I will praise His Word, in God I have put my trust. I will not fear what flesh (man) can do unto me.” (Verse 4) That exact same thought is repeated in Verse 11 of the same chapter. God must have wanted us to know this as a certainty.

I had no intention of writing this column when I sat down to my computer, but God seemed to put it on my heart and in my mind in such a manner that I had no choice. I believe someone reading these thoughts today needed to be reminded of just how much God loves us. Others love us, too, but sometimes, we have a difficult time of connecting with those people when we feel we need it most.

Let’s thank God for all the good He has already done. If we are alive, we have a mission. Find out what that mission is beginning today. Let’s surround ourselves with positive people that love us. Find a church home that we like and get involved in fellowship and service. Learn to put away the negative. Trust Him. Don’t be fearful. Do not allow Satan to win this round in your life.

Brenda Cannon Henley can be reached at (409) 781-8788 or at [email protected].

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