A Little Lagniappe – Books, Movies Musicals and More

“Well done, thou good and faithful servant” (Matthew 25:21)

By Linda Elissalde
Each year Bay Vue United Methodist Church (UMC) bestows a Person of the Year award to an individual who best exemplifies the Christian spirit of cheerful giving to others. However, two people were tapped to receive this appreciation award for 2021. Elaine Rollfing and George Strong’s faith and help during 2020 and 2021 made them

The Very Best NEW YEAR’S EVE Ever!

By Linda Elissalde
I have observed many New Year’s Eve events. Some were wonderful, and one broke my heart. I have attended, and been in, many weddings. They were all quite lovely. However, 2021 combined New Year’s Eve and a wedding. Not just any wedding, but the marriage of our granddaughter Rachel Katz to Brent Westbrook.

A Very Merry Christmas

By Linda Elissalde
It has been A Very Merry Christmas indeed. Generous friends constantly dropped off gifts. Galveston College Chorale members presented our Christmas program “Shalom” on December 13th. Director Mike Gilbert and pianist Ron Wyatt led the 60 plus performance masked singers through a delightful program resulting in a

GULFWAY MOTEL and RESTAURANT (Not just for the birds)

By Linda Elissalde
The Bolivar Peninsula is internationally famous for its bird population. People travel from all over the world in springtime to view our splendid selections of Aves. High Island even featured in THE BIG YEAR, a comedic take on a fictional contest to see who could find the most birds in one year. Many birders choose to nest at

Praise in the Park

By Linda Elissalde
“We are all God’s adopted children-and one day in Heaven he will be looking back at us.” Michael Feighan
There are special people in our world who bring faith, love and joy into our lives. Sometimes we are lucky enough to meet and become friends with them. One such person is MICHAEL FEIGHAN. Michael is a man of


By Linda Elissalde
“Some jobs change lives. Others save them,” is the motto of Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center. Crystal Beach Eagles #3719 and Bay Vue United Methodist Church (UMC) teamed up to sponsor their 8th Crystal Beach Community Blood Drive. Eagle’s L.B. Hunt coordinated the event. Twenty-four intended donors showed up to give blood on

All Were Blessed!

By Linda Elissalde

“Some people talk to animals. Not many listen though.
That’s the problem.”
A.A. Milne

A glorious fall day blessed Bay Vue UMC’s annual BLESSING OF THE ANIMALS on

Ellie’s Clever Birthday Plan

By Linda Elissalde
Eleanor (Ellie) Pollard is cute, sweet, talented and very smart. Ellie loves having birthdays, but decided that she preferred to not get older. So, she devised her own birthday plan. Instead of adding a year, she subtracts a year as each celebration rolls around. Imagine becoming younger every year as you grow older. Genius! Husband Tom agrees

Oh, what a beautiful weekend!

By Linda Elissalde
Day 1: The weekend begin Friday morning with a gorgeous sunrise and cool winds that continued throughout the day. The forever young Dr. Wallace Shook turned 96 on September 23, 2021. Wallace and his family celebrated the event on Bolivar Peninsula this week. Dr. Shook showed up on our doorstep at 3:00 PM for his

The Miraculous Mrs. Mary

By Linda Elissalde
Mary Raney was diagnosed with multiple cancers, including lung cancer, in 2018. One prognosis decreed that she had 18 months to live – a prediction that was so wrong. Mary put her health in the hands of good physicians, and her faith in the hands of God. She went through many treatments, tried out experimental methods and continued

Church Chimes

By Linda Elissalde
Bay Vue United Methodist Church (UMC) is truly blessed with magical musicians. Pastor Valerie Hudson is a multi-talented lady. She has a glorious soprano voice, plays guitar, piano and many other instruments. Paulette Layfield can do anything on a piano. Paulette augments pieces with organ, choral and myriad other additions to the

A Family Tradition

By Linda Elissalde
Five generations of the Vinson clan gathered at Crystal Beach on Labor Day Weekend, 2021. Labor Day is a traditional, national holiday. However, this group was on the beach to celebrate a special family tradition. They travel to a different place each year to honor matriarch Earline Phipps Vinson who turned 82 in April. Some past destinations

Thank You, Second Going Resale Store!

By Linda Elissalde
Nothing stops Second Going Resale Store. Board members Dennis Stafford and Tom Kruft moved away to be closer to families. They are certainly missed. However, Fran Griffin and Jane Loose appointed Esther Sarabia and Paula Alam to the board. The board, along with kind volunteers, create a spot for low priced, quality goods. It continues to be

Three Farewells in One Week

By Linda Elissalde
We celebrated the 46th anniversary of Dr. Melanie and Mack Wallace on August 10, 2021 at 6:00 PM. We joined up with them via our golf carts on the beach halfway between LaFitte’s Landing and Cobb’s Cove. What a delightful setting! Tourists had left. No one was zooming up and down the sand in cart, car, jeep, truck or other gizmos

Happy 80th Birthday, Bob

By Linda Elissalde
SURPRISE! That is exactly what Robert Morgan’s birthday was – at least to Bob. Leave it to his sister Sherry to plan an event – and keep it a secret from her big brother. He expected a few friends to join him at his 80th birthday on July 19, 2021, but not a crowd. There were 21 friends waiting for him at Tiki Beach Bar and Grill. When he

Happy 223rd Birthday to Jane Long

*Jane Long, “Mother of Texas”,
Pioneer Woman brave and true.
Yes, Jane Long was a lady
Who did what she had to do!

(*Last chorus of THE BALLAD OF JANE LONG)

Little Lost Soles

(Composed by Marcel and Linda C. Elissalde
while walking with Emma on the beach.)

The First Anniversary Of Marsha Fredenburg’s 70th Birthday!

By Linda Elissalde
Marvelous Marsha Fredenburg turned 70 on June 27, 2020. That was certainly a cause for grand celebration. However, Mr. Covid-19 threw a spanner into the works. No big birthday party for 2020? What could be done to fix the problem? Husband Moody Fredenburg solved that dilemma by throwing THE FIRST ANNIVERSARY OF MARSHA

Best Fish to Buy! Bay Vue Fish Fry!

By Linda Elissalde
Bay Vue United Methodist Church (UMC) Fish Fry, 2021, was the most successful of all their successful Fish Frys. Chairperson Elaine Rollfing led her happy, hardworking cadre of volunteers to a magnificent finale. Sandi Covington reported a possible $4000.00 profit. WOW! This is a grand come back after having to cancel the

Finding Normal

By Linda Elissalde
Normal (the usual), normalcy (popularized by Warren G. Harding), normality (preferred by teachers of English) are three popular terms. So many folk have wanted to return to one of the three above during 2020 and 2021. Marcel and I chose our favorite normal to be when we were children running all over our neighborhood. I doubt that


Dear Mom,
There have been 22 Mother’s Days since you passed away. I think of you and how we seemed to often disagree. You knew that I was definitely a “Daddy’s Girl”. He could do no wrong in my eyes, but you and I could tangle over such little events. I do not think that I ever really, really thanked you for all the good things that you did for me, and the things

To Edith and Trish Smith

By Linda Elissalde

It is never fun to say good-bye,
And if we had one wish,
We would pick out our favorite star to beg,
Stay here dear Edith and dear Trish.

The Second Act

By Crystal Beach Gossip Columnist Heada Cobbler
I assumed that the fabuleuese Off Broadway production,” Linda C Elissalde’s 80th Birthday,” had ended last week. However, would you believe it? I, Heada Cobbler, was misinformed. That blue-eyed Dr. Marcel Elissalde escorted Linda to a second act that opened to rave reviews on Sunday, March 21st at 2:00 PM. Held again at

Birthday Soiree

By CB Social Columnist Heada Cobbler
After many cancellations due to inclement weather, family and friends gathered for a glittering birthday soiree hosted by legendary party givers Dr. Melanie and Mack Wallace. The celebration was in honor of CB resident Linda C Elissalde who turned 80 on February 14, 2021. The magical Wallace Touch was in evidence by enchanting outdoor

Jane Esther Lawrence Shook

August 04, 1928 – February 12, 2021
By Linda Elissalde
“She walks in beauty, like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that’s best of dark and bright meet in her aspect and her eyes…”
George Gordon Lord Byron (1788-1824) never met Jane Esther Lawrence Shook, but if he had, he would

80 is no place for the Faint of Heart

By Linda Elissalde
I entered my eightieth decade February 14, 2021. Is there anyone I know unaware that the 14th is my birthday? Traveling buddy Yondle Davis used to say that I greeted fellow travelers with,” Hello, my name is Linda Schmucker. My birthday is February 14th.” The first sentence – true; the second – partially. Nevertheless, I have always

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